Why Pharmacy Simulator?

Information for CPD providers.

Why use Pharmacy Simulator for Continuing Professional Development?

With a widely distributed and very time-poor workforce, it has become increasingly important to providers of CPD to deliver their learning content online, and on-demand. This need has led most providers to invest in developing web-based learning content for their members.

However, it is extremely difficult to provide compelling and engaging learning experiences in this web-based format. A good mix of text, audio, and video content can present a professional package, but it can be difficult to keep your learners engaged unless there are relevant interactive exercises included in the mix.

Image of a man studying

There are a range of generic tools which allow you to embed basic interactive exercises into your online learning content, and these can certainly help to keep the learner somewhat engaged with the activity, but they usually do very little to contextualise the activity into real pharmacy practice.

This is where Pharmacy Simulator excels. By engaging your learners with detailed and comprehensive pharmacy scenarios, you are able to drive home a wide range of learning points, and provide the learner with the real professional context they need in order to completely understand the relevance of what you are trying to teach them.

Pharmacy Simulator also excels at being scalable - it doesn't matter how many learners you need to support, the effort involved in delivering a scenario is fixed. It can take an educator as little as an hour to write a compelling scenario in Pharmacy Simulator, yet your learners can play that scenario thousands or even tens of thousands of times with no additional cost or effort on your end.

It's easy to embed Pharmacy Simulator scenario exercises into your existing workflow. You can deliver the key learning materials in the usual way, then simply link the learners to the relevant Pharmacy Simulator exercises whenever it makes sense. It is also possible to track engagement with the Pharmacy Simulator scenarios, and performance/scores, so you know if your students have completed the exercise satisfactorily.

The data we've collected to date shows that our users tend to be highly engaged and very happy with their learning experiences. So, by providing Pharmacy Simulator based exercises you will be working to have happy and engaged members.